Author - Alex Hofeldt 

E1. Beautiful Dust Specks: Episode 1 - How Science Can Motivate You and Change Your Inner Perspective on How Great You Are

E1. Beautiful Dust Specks: Episode 1 - How Science Can Motivate You and Change Your Inner Perspective on How Great You Are

Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
— Franz Kafka

How science can be used to motivate you and change your inner perspectives about how great you truly are.

Let the journey begin. I want to show you that science is the greatest motivational and inspiring story that one could ever hope for. I have been fascinated with this story for as long as I can remember. With each new piece of knowledge I have had the privilege of learning I have been able to add one more layer to my ideas of awe. Science shows you that the Universe that surrounds is infinity complex and therefore infinity special. Dive deep into the science of you and it will show you how deep you are. I hope this journey ends with passing on these ideas to others. Enjoy the ride, embrace the chaos. 

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E2. Get Stoked to Learn About Learning & Think About Thinking... Superpower #1

E2. Get Stoked to Learn About Learning & Think About Thinking... Superpower #1

Brain Rambles - Notes for Episode One